Dear photographers: (non-photographers can skip this post)
In my last blog post, I told you about the Hitachi Tree, and I listed other sites around Oahu that might be good for photography. Today I want to talk about Barbers Point Beach Park.
You will not find this park on any lists of top scenic sights on Oahu. That’s because it’s not a particularly beautiful beach. Actually, it’s damn ugly. And the dust wafting from the adjacent junkyard stinks.
But I sense – and I could be wrong here, but my instincts tell me this – that a really skilled photographer (not me) could take some awesome photos here.
More below the fold.
There are these weird concrete columns jutting up from the water – old concrete drain pipes, I guess – relics of some bygone industrial project. Notice the orange coloration. In one of my photos they look like ancient pottery. Some of the columns have toppled into the water, and this creates an opportunity to frame a subject in the background (either the ocean or the beach, depending upon where you stand) by shooting into the tube.
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:
That’s water from a crashing wave flowing through the tube. It seems to me that you might be able to take some cool portraits with that.
Here’s a shot of a tube through another tube:
Now, if you want to take photos with the columns at Barbers Point, please be careful. Some of the rocks are sharp and the waves can get rough. Keep your eyes on the water and don’t do anything stupid.
Ohhh and I suppose I should mention the Barbers Point Light, the lighthouse a few steps away from Germaine’s Luau. Of the six lighthouses on Oahu, the Barbers Point Light may be the best to photograph. It’s eye-catching and easily accessible, and it looks pretty incredible at sunset.
There’s one other possible point of interest at Barbers Point Beach Park. A brilliant photographer might be able to take a photo that captures the irony of that nightmarish junkyard located right on a beach that probably should be lined with million dollar mansions. But when I was there today I couldn’t figure out a way to compose that shot.