Sep 042018

What will the plot be? Here’s my guess:

The new show will take place in the Kelvin timeline, after the destruction of Vulcan.

Picard in this timeline never rose to captain. Instead, he’s had a miserable go at it, running his family vineyard. The other members of the crew of the Enterprise went on to do other things, but none had the life they were meant to have.

In Picard’s old age, after a life of disappointment, Q appears to him. Q explains that Picard had a different destiny. The whole series is then Q screwing with him. Picard reunites with old crew mates (except of course he doesn’t recognize them because he has never met them in this timeline) and they have adventures together. Picard is restored to his position as captain of a vessel.

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 Posted by on September 4, 2018
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