Nov 082012

I’m extremely pleased and grateful that Obama was re-elected. And relieved. The progress will continue and we’ll not return to the very policies that caused the Great Recession in the first place.

I’m always irritated when I hear people claim Obama has been a mediocre president. Our country has faced tough economic problems. Progress has been delayed by the ideological and obstructionist approach taken by the Republicans in the house. But Obama’s decisions as president have been good ones, our economy is on the mend, and I believe Obama will go down in history as one of the great presidents.

Obama’s victory speech before the nation was well written. And he mentioned global warming in it, thankfully. So that’s good.

But as good as that speech was, I was more impressed by the sincerity and humility he expressed in this short address he made to his campaign staff in Chicago:

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 Posted by on November 8, 2012
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